Artificial Lights Attack On Your Sleep

Artificial Lights Attack On Your Sleep

Artificial Lights Attack On Your Sleep

Artificial Lights Attack On Your Sleep – Being hungry, sleeping from time to time, is a good health. But, today we do not eat nor sleep at all.

Our fast changing lifestyle is responsible for this.

Due to multinational companies, it is now working round-the-clock. Therefore, no sleeping time is revealed and neither does it eat.

We spend a third of our lives in sleep or in trying to sleep.

Who is the biggest enemy of sleep?

There are very big enemies of our sleep gadgets.

Mobile, tablet, laptops, and so on are also a major contributor to our sleep degradation.

In particular, the light of the mobile phone is the most disturbing in our sleep.

The question arises whether we can cure our sleep by closing all artificial lights.

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Is today possible without electric light?

Linda Geddes, who wrote an article, went to find answers to these questions.

He worked with researcher Drakken Dijk and Nayantara Santhi, a sleep researcher. The results of his research were very shocking.

Which light is better? Natural or artificial

Electricity is the most important product of the Industrial Revolution. Earlier, we all won with the support of the spectacular light.

Even today there are many such places where there is no light.

Even where there is no electricity, people do not fall asleep with the sun drowning. Rather, they create fire by lighting up the fire.

The difference is that these people fall asleep on time, and with the sun rising, they get up and go out of their work.

Whereas urban people first struggle for sleep and when the sleep starts coming, they start struggling to get up.

People who live in the light of the sunlight sleep as long as the people living in the light of light sleep.

But still, there is a lot of difference between the quality of sleep.

People without electricity

In Toronto, Toronto University researcher David Samson says that the people of Hadja tribe of Tanzania still live without electricity.

There is no such illness like insomnia. While the figures from the western countries are the opposite.

In light, we can see in a better way. But, the lights also affect our body’s way of working.

The morning light makes our body agile. The night light reduces the speed of the body.

The light affects the hormone melatonin responsible for sleeping. Not only this, but it also affects the heart and the mind.

Professor Nayantara Santhi says that the light enhances our alertness, which is right to work.

But, it is not good for sleeping. Not only this, but it also has a profound effect on our mood.

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What effect does darkness have on our body?

Linda Geddes has made an expert know how much light and light is affecting the way our body works.

She stayed with the entire family for a few weeks without lightning.

In the first week, they used lightning for some time during the day.

After six o’clock in the evening, Linda also reduced the brightness of its laptop, that is, brightness.

Then he used to do all the work at home in the light of the candle.

During this period, their melatonin hormones were tracked, which is to create biological knight in the body.

In the first week, she used to live in sunlight for an average of four and a half hours. In the second week this time less than an hour

In the first week of the experiment, she kept the curtains of the room in order to get the maximum amount of light in the morning.

But during the night lamps of light burning in the street troubled them.

According to a research report made in 2016, people who live in big cities have to face this problem.

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More glare means less sleep

In fact, in the big cities, the kind of lights used at night, their illumination is six times higher than the lights used in small cities. People who are more dazzled, they have more difficulty sleeping.

Tired of them throughout the day.

People who study e-readers before sleeping also have difficulty in sleeping.

Apart from those who play video games on smartphones or computers before evening or before sleeping, they become quite active at that time.

But, the next day, its effect is clearly visible.

Research suggests that those who live more in the light than the Artificial Light, the melatonin hormones come in rapidly, and from time immemorial the body clock begins to give a signal of sleep.

The colors of light also affect our sleepiness and mood.

The color of light is also important

In 2017, a floor worker was employed in a blue light while the staff of the second floor worked in white light for four weeks.

After four weeks the lights on both floors were changed.

It was found that the people who worked in white light during the day have improved considerably in the way they work. They were too many alerts.

And the food was also eating well at night. His sleepless nights had grown too much.

What kind of light do we live in the evening, it depends mostly on what kind of light we have throughout the day.

It would be better to spend time in spectacular light and use less artificial lights at night.

Instead of shining light, it can be better if sleeping in a dim light.

For centuries, the man continued to work from the sun’s rays in the day.

And after spending some time in the artificial lights of the night, moonlight has spent the night alone.

Stay as light as possible, so that sleep can be good at night.

7-8 hours of sleep is very important for the human body. But due to our smallest stupidity, we are becoming disillusioned with this principle.

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