World Liver Day: Symptoms of Fatty Liver Also in Those Who Do not Drink Alcohol

World Liver Day: Symptoms of Fatty Liver Also in Those Who Do not Drink Alcohol

World Liver Day: Symptoms of Fatty Liver Also in Those Who Do Not Drink Alcohol

The liver is the second most important part of the body. Fattening is always stored around it. When a lot of fat accumulates in its cell, then there is a problem of fatty liver. In this situation, swelling occurs in the liver and the liver starts shrinking.

It is generally believed that the cause of fatty liver is the high intake of alcoholic substances. It is true that excessive consumption of alcoholic material increases the risk of fatty liver several times. But let us tell you that this fact does not mean that if you do not drink alcohol, then you will not get this disease.

Nowadays, the number of heart and liver patients is increasing rapidly due to the bad eating habits and irregular lifestyles. Fatty liver is the main cause of all diseases related to the liver, because millions of people are troubled by this disease worldwide.

The frequent fatty liver is of two types. An alcoholic fatty liver, which causes inflammation of the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption, and fatigue. The second is non-alcoholic fatty liver, which causes fat accumulation around the liver for other reasons. Both types of fatty liver are dangerous because it is important for you to know about them.

Click Here to Read:- Liver Cancer – Causes, Natural Home Remedies for Treatment and Prevention

Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is a term that is called fatigue in the liver. Fat accumulation of more than 5% to 10% in the liver is a sign of fatty liver. Fatty liver is a reversible condition which can be improved by improving the lifestyle. There is no such symptoms that can damage the liver by settling.

The Cause of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver

During the urbanization period, there have been many changes in the lifestyle of people, which has resulted in people having overweight, obesity and diabetes problems. These three factors are considered to be the biggest factors of fatty liver.

So if you are not taking alcohol and you have any of these three problems then you have the possibility of fatty liver. If it is not treated timely, then this cirrhosis can turn into liver. This is the stage of liver damage

In this condition, only after surviving the liver transplant, this disease can be avoided. The liver transplant is quite expensive and the biggest problem in it is to find liver donor. So this is a good and cheap way to get rid of your lifestyle and eating habits.

What is Fatty Liver

The liver is the second most important part of the body. It always keeps fat in its cell. But when a lot of fat gets accumulated in its cell, then it fades up the fatty liver. In this situation, swelling occurs in the liver and the liver starts shrinking.

Symptoms and Signs of Fatty Liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver generally does not show any symptoms. When this happens, these symptoms are usually seen-


Pain in the upper part of the right abdomen

Weight loss

Due to this


Hyperlipidemia or high blood fat in the blood


Genetic reasons

Side effects of any special medication

Fatty livers are of three types. Apart from the non-alcoholic fatty liver, these two other types are also.

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-cirrhosis

Risk Factor

Some of these diseases increase their risks.

Gastric bypass surgery

High levels of triglycerides

Metabolic syndrome

Poly-cystic ovary syndrome

Sleep apnea


Click here to read:-  10 Effective Foods and Tips For Strengthen and Cleaning You Liver

Avoid Such Fatty Liver

Consult the doctor at the appropriate time and start treatment.

Change your eating habits and lifestyle.

Regular exercise and pranayam (yoga) etc.

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