This Is Where Your Fat Actually Goes When You Lose Weight

This Is Where Your Fat Actually Goes When You Lose Weight

This Is Where Your Fat Goes When You Lose Weight 

During the school days, teachers of physics and chemistry have also taught you that energy never gets destroyed, but its appearance changes. So have you ever thought that when we lose weight, then what happens to that fat? Where Your Fat Goes?

A lot of people think about weight reduction, they also decrease, but what happens to the reduced fat, this is a big question. The exact answer is very few people know.


This question was asked to more than 150 peoples who took care of health. In Australia, Professor AJ Browne of the University of South Wales and researcher Ruben Mirman was also among those people who asked where the fat went away.

There are lots of answers to this question. Some were extremely funny and some very startling ones.

However, 98 percent of the answers were wrong.

Most people responded that the fact that we decrease turns into energy. Researchers say that this can not happen because it violates the law of conservation of the substance.

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But what happens? (Where Your Fat Goes)

Some people responded that the fat turns into muscles. It is not possible to accept this fact now. At the same time, some people said that the fat which we decrease is released from our body in the form of stool.

There is already a lot of confusion about digestion and weight reduction, and some similar illusion is also about what happens to the fat that is reduced.

But now the answer is given by Professor Andrew J. Brown and researcher Reuben Mirman.

In the British Medical Journal, his answers have been published, according to which the following things came out.

Stable, carbon dioxide, and water are transformed into water. Carbon dioxide is removed from the body while we breathe out. If rain is happening, then these different physical actions will eventually get out in the form of urination.

Instead, whatever we eat is thrown out of our lungs in the form of carbon dioxide. Experts believe that whatever carbohydrates and fats we take are broken into carbon dioxide and water. Along with alcohol as well.


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This process also happens with protein, although some things are also divided into urea and other concrete as well as later in the form of stools in the way of sweat or the type of urine.

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Only fibers are those that reach our stomach, and the remaining things after the digestion process comes out as a stool.

Now, if this is true, then it is found that one part of the fat goes out of the lungs as carbon dioxide. So what if we can breathe fast – can we lose weight?

Professor Andrew J. Brown and researcher Reuben Mirman say a big NO. He says that doing so can be dizzy, and the person can become unconscious, and the person may become unconscious.

So the only way to reduce weight healthily is to reduce the calorie intake on the one hand and emphasize physical activity along with it.

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