Strange Type of Heart Attack Strikes Young Women

Strange Type of Heart Attack Strikes Young Women

Strange Type of Heart Attack Strikes Young Women

Many nursing staff looking after women think that young women who have heart attacks are victims of indigestion.

Young people are not usually infected with cholesterol, and they do not have heart disease.

Kate Alderton had a heart attack at the age of thirty. One day before, he participated in a ten-kilometer race. They have a deep affection for athletics.

When Kate was having breakfast, her chest pain started.


Kate said the News Channel, “It was the most horrific experience of my life. It put me in shock.”

Kate is the mother of two children. The nursing staff is helping them believe that the problem was sudden.

Kate recalls, “Since I was a young lady, I was fit, and I used to take care of my diet, and nobody knew what happened to me.”

Now they are completely cured and run regularly, but the doctors have advised them that they no longer give birth to any other child.

Whatever happened to Kate, it is a matter of sudden bursting of the artery. It is found very little and is often not known about it.

Click here to read:-  7 Symptoms of Heart Attack which we do not know before

Health experts do not even know why this happens and how it can be stopped.

David Edlem, the doctor of the Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, says that it is usually different from the heart attack, so it is difficult to catch.


According to Adams, it is difficult to estimate the number of people who die from such heart attacks annually because it is almost impossible to know after the death of the patient.

But experts say one more thing is that there are nine patients out of ten in this kind of heart attack case.

And ten percent of these cases are of pregnant women or those women who have recently given birth to the child.

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