5 Symptoms and Treatment of Colon Cancer

5 Symptoms and Treatment of Colon Cancer

5 Symptoms and Treatment of Colon Cancer

The colon cancer is no longer ineffective. Due to the progress made in medical science, treatment of this merge is now possible.

The number of people suffering from cancer in the world is increasing constantly. One in three people suffering from different types of cancers in the world is suffering from colon cancer. The colon cancer is no longer ineffective due to the progress made in medical science, now effective treatment is possible during this time of the merger. Let’s know colon cancer externally.

Causes of Cancer in the Large Intestine

A major cause of the development of colon cancer is revealed when the changes in healthy cells of the large intestine are introduced. The possible causes of this cancer include genetic reasons.

Smoking, red meat, and junk foods also increase the risk of this cancer. Persistent constipation can also be the cause of this cancer for a long time. Those who suffer from familial adenomatous polyposis disease, the risk of colon cancer increases significantly.

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Cancer Symptoms in the Large Intestine

Blood in the stool.

Anemia (lack of blood).

Pain in the stomach.

Loss of appetite and weight loss.

stomach enlargement.

Rectum or rectum is not completely empty.

Feeling weakness.


Many Checks are done under this. like.


It is also called a test from the large intestine telescope.

Abdominal scan

It is detected by the fact that the tumor is in the large intestine or has spread to the bones, liver or lungs.

Important Methods of Treatment

The decision about the treatment according to the cancerous condition of the cancerous tumor is taken. In most cases, surgery is required. The first and second stage of cancer is the treatment only through surgery, but the third and fourth stage of the merge requires radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Under the surgery, the part of the intestine is cut and removed, in which the tumor is thrilled and then the intestine is added. If there is swelling in the intestine or any other problem, then it can not be immediately added. Then ‘Stoma Bag’ is applied – which makes the stool out. After six to eight weeks it is removed and the intestine is added back.

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Laparoscopic Surgery

Earlier surgery was done in a traditional way, but now laparoscopy has made it very easy. Under the laparoscopic surgery, microscopic holes are made in the abdomen, and the instruments are surgically inserted inside them. In this process, there is no scar on the body nor bleeding occurs. Therefore, blood donation is also not required. The pain is less and the hospital gets a quick leave.

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