12 Symptoms And Signs Of Throat Cancer

12 Symptoms And Signs Of Throat Cancer

12 Symptoms And Signs Of Throat Cancer

The cases of throat or mouth cancer are increasing rapidly.

It is also taking the disease in the age group of 20-25 years.

The biggest reason for this is tobacco addiction and smoking addiction.

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According to the World Health Organization, 14 million new cases of cancer are coming out every year. In 50% of cases, disease is due to poor lifestyle, tobacco, and obesity. Throat or mouth cancer cases have also increased in recent years.

More deaths from breast or cervical cancer in the world are due to mouth or throat cancer. The cases of throat or mouth cancer are increasing rapidly in metros, small towns, and villages. In recent years, the disease is also taking its toll in the age group of 20-25 years. The biggest reason for this is tobacco addiction and smoking addiction.

What is throat cancer

Abnormal cells in cancer spread in the body at twice the speed and control becomes difficult. Throat cancer can also be in the voice box, vocal cord, and other parts of the mouth, such as tonsils. Information and awareness is a prerequisite to avoid any problem. Being aware of the body can solve many problems.

What are the symptoms

Throat cancer symptoms are not easily caught. If you see one or more of these symptoms, then show the doctor immediately.

  • The voice is changing or getting heavier
  • Toothache
  • Good knots in the neck
  • In continuous pain, bleeding in the mouth
  • Founding in the throat, difficulty breathing
  • Trouble eating food
  • Steepening of fatigue, sleep deprivation
  • Instruction of red, white or dark patches inside the mouth
  • Experience pain in chewing or chewing the tongue
  • Feeling smelly or inaudible pain in the ears
  • Cafe and bloodstains appear several times in it
  • Excess weight loss

What is the reason

People who smoke or drink tobacco are more likely to have throat cancer. Some people come in contact with indirect smokers. It also shows symptoms in women. Tobacco intake hurts the functioning of the airway tube. This increases the risk of cancer.

If a person smokes alcohol with alcohol, then it increases the risk of oral cancer. Consumption of alcohol and nicotine together is harmful. Apart from this, due to road-dust, wood dust, or chemical dust, the throat can also be cancerous.

Sulfur dioxide, chromium, and arsenic also increase the risk of cancer. People who have not smoked over the years have also started showing symptoms of oral or throat cancer. In addition to tobacco, there are some other reasons for throat cancer.

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Due to the proper care of teeth or to avoid problems in the teeth, this problem may also occur in the future. There is also a reason for the lack of vitamin A. Apart from this; cancer can also be genetic.

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