10 Natural Home Remedies for Cough that Actually Works

10 Natural Home Remedies for Cough



Turmeric provides natural help to get rid of a cough. It has a therapeutic effect on a cough, especially on a dry cough.

Boil half cup of water and add one spoon of black pepper. Also, add cinnamon sticks. Let it boil for two-three minutes. Add a spoon of honey in it after finished boiling. Drink this mixture daily until the cough condition improves.

You can make herbal tea by mixing one spoon of turmeric powder and one spoon of carom seeds in a cup of water. Boil it until quantity reduces to a half cup. Add some honey and drink this 2-3 times a day.

Another way to use turmeric is to roast turmeric roots and make a paste of it by grinding these. Mix it with water and honey. Now drink twice a day for relief.



Ginger is the most effective ingredient to remedy a cough. Cut ginger into small pieces and crush them. After that, boil these pieces in one cup of water. Drink this herbal solution three times a day. This will relieve a sore throat, non-stop coughing, and congestion. Also, add lemon juice and honey to it to the drink. Another way to use ginger is to chew raw ginger-like chewing gum through the day, this is very beneficial, but many prefer drinking a ginger mixture.



Lemon is used in a variety of ways for curing coughs. It has anti-inflammatory characteristics that reduce inflammation, as well. Also, it is rich in vitamin C, which prevents a cough and cold.  Lemon is a great daily addition to any diet or nutrition routine for preventive measures.

Mixing two spoons of lemon juice in one spoon of honey makes an effective cough syrup. Drink this healthy syrup 3-4 times a day. You can add a pinch of red pepper to make this more effective.



Garlic has antibacterial and antimicrobial components that help treat cough. Boil two to three cloves of garlic in a cup of water, and you may also add a teaspoon of oregano. Allow it to cool and add some honey to the mixture.  Drink, and this will open your throat passage and reduce symptoms of a cough. Eat garlic clove directly mixed with few drops of clove oil and some honey for a sore throat. You can also use generous amounts of garlic in cooking food you eat for preventive or treatment measures.

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One of the most natural and least expensive home remedies for a cough is onion. Breathing in strong onion vapors help stop coughing. Make a home-made natural cough syrup from baked onions juice, tea, and honey.

Another remedy is to mix one spoon of honey in half a spoon of onion juice. Drink this mixture twice a day to soothe your throat.  Forget the expensive cough syrups; these remedies work great and have no side effects.

Hot Milk and Honey 

Honey and Milk

Drinking hot milk with honey can cure a dry cough and chest pain. For better results, drink it before going to sleep. As honey has analgesic properties that can clear the mucus and calm your throat. Therefore, you can take one spoon of honey on an empty stomach.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne helps reduce chest pain due to coughing. It is stimulating and keeps your body warm. Mix one-fourth spoon of cayenne pepper, one-fourth spoon of ginger, one spoon of honey, one spoon of apple cider vinegar, and two spoons of water to make a healthy cough syrup. Drink this syrup three-four times a day.

Carrot juice

Carrot Juice

Carrots have many vitamins and nutrients that can help in reducing cough symptoms. Make juice from four or five fresh carrots. You can add lemon in it according to your taste. Drink this juice three times a day until your symptoms improve. (Note:- Maximum total 1 liter per day).



Grapes have some contents that eliminate mucus from our respiratory system. The faster you get rid of mucus, the faster your cough problem will be cured. You can directly eat fresh grapes or drink grape juice. Add honey in it for better taste.

Click here to read:-  9 Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Children’s



Almonds have nutritional properties that play an active role in reducing cough symptoms.

Soak some almonds in water. Make a paste of these and take it with one spoon of butter. Eat this 2-3 times a day until symptoms go away.

Friends, these above-written home remedies can give you relief from a cough without any side effects. But medicines and cough syrup have many side effects on our body. But if you have continuous coughing for more than two weeks, than you should visit your doctor and take prescribed medicines.

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